Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging platforms created by Jack Dorsey in 2006. Since then, Twitter has seen massive growth, and now around 330m users use Twitter every month.
If you’re active on Twitter, you must have tweeted a couple of times and liked other tweets over the years.
But all the likes are visible on the Twitter accounts, which sometimes can lead to problems such as if you’re operating your business account and you like tweets from your personal choice — it can look bad for the company.
Or you have liked too many things in the past which you want to remove now.
So to help you with this, in this post, we’re going to share with you all the methods available to search, view, and delete the likes in your Twitter account.
Let’s get started…
Is It Possible to Delete Twitter Likes?
The short answer is, yes, it’s possible to delete the likes in your Twitter account.
But Twitter doesn’t allow anyone to delete the likes in bulk, and overall you can remove about 3,200 previous likes only.
That is interesting because Twitter has never mentioned the limit of 3,200 publicly or in their documentation, but you just cannot delete more likes after you reach that number.
One reason for this limit can be the engagement factor as, like all other social media platforms, Twitter relies on the engagement by the users, and the likes represent a big part of that user engagement.
And keep in mind that once you unlike the tweets, you cannot recover that with Twitter or any other service, so if you’re not sure, you might want to re-consider before moving forward.
Now, if you’re sure about this, let’s see all the methods you can use to delete your Twitter likes quickly.
Bulk Delete the Likes with an App
As Twitter doesn’t support the mass deletion of likes natively — many third-party apps (like our app, MyTweetAlerts for custom Twitter alerts) have used this opportunity and launched dedicated apps only for this purpose.
All these apps use the Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) for which you have to connect your Twitter account with the app.
After that, it depends on the app on how you can delete twitter likes, but mostly you will have to click a few buttons, and the likes will be deleted in no time.
The apps you can use to delete twitter likes are…
Circleboom is an app dedicated to Twitter-related services only and lets you bulk delete your twitter likes.

In the free Circleboom plan, you can unlike up to 20 tweets, and to remove this limit, you can subscribe to any of their paid plans.
To use Circleboom, follow the below steps:
Step: 1 Go to Circleboom and log in with your Twitter account.
Step: 2 Once you’re in the Circleboom dashboard, click on the menu in the left, and select “MyTweets,” then “Unlike” and your recent tweets will be listed there.
Step: 3 To unlike all the recent tweets, you can select “Unlike All.” To delete selected tweets only, choose the tweets from the list and click on “Delete Selected”.
If you can’t find any particular tweet in the list, you can use the search (by hashtag, keyword, location, and date) and look for those tweets to unlike.
Lastly, with Circleboom, you can also manage your Twitter unfollowers, old likes, view analytics, and schedule tweets.
Twitter Archive Eraser
Another app to delete Twitter likes is Twitter Archive Eraser.
To use this app, follow these steps:
Step: 1 Install and launch the app (it’s available for Mac and Windows).
Step: 2 Sign in with your Twitter account and authorize the app to move to the next step.
Step: 3 Select “Delete Favorites” and then click “Start” to start to get all the likes.
Step: 4 After that, the app will show you the list of all the likes. To delete, click on “Erase selected tweets.”
That’s it. You have successfully deleted your Twitter likes.
Delete Twitter Likes Manually
The apps mentioned above will save you the time and hassle of doing everything manually, but if you want to go through all the likes one by one to delete them — you can try the manual method as well.
For this, you don’t need any fancy app as you can simply visit your Twitter timeline on your mobile or desktop and check your liked tweets to delete them.
One advantage of this method is that you can manage to delete everything as apps cannot discover all the likes because of Twitter’s API limitations.
Also, Twitter sometimes doesn’t show the full tweets record in the profiles, so even with the manual method, you can miss a few likes, but this is the only method to be sure of deleting the maximum number of likes possible.
Delete the Likes via Browser Console
The last method is technical but completely free, so you can give it a shot if you’re looking for an alternative of the above two methods.
And you can only use this method on Google Chrome as it doesn’t work with Firefox or Safari.
Now to delete the twitter likes using Browser Console, follow these steps:
Step: 1 Open Google Chrome and log in to your Twitter account.
Step: 2 Go to your profile and click on the “Likes” section.
Step: 3 Open debug console (shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + J on Windows, and Cmd + Option + J on Mac) and click on “Console”.
Step: 4 Copy the script (you can copy it from here as well) and paste it in the console field.
setInterval(() => {
for (const d of document.querySelectorAll(‘div[data-testid=“unlike”]’)) {
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight)
}, 1000)
Step: 5 Finally, hit “Enter” and run the script.
This script will unlike the liked tweets for you, and you can run it as many times as you want.
If you’re looking for a tool to discover all the important tweets, try MyTweetAlerts.

This tool is precisely engineered to work with Twitter, and it is capable of finding all the relevant tweets for your business, agency, or personal brand.
You can create your own customized Twitter alerts, which can be sent straight to your inbox at regular intervals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you delete twitter likes?
Yes, you can delete your twitter likes one at a time within your Twitter account or by using any third-party app.
Though there’s no hard limit on how many previous likes you can delete, after deleting around 3,200 likes, Twitter seems to limit this feature, which can’t be removed even with any third-party service.
Can you mass delete twitter likes?
Yes, you can use an app like Circleboom or Twitter Archive Eraser to mass delete your twitter likes.
Circleboom, in particular, makes the process of deleting all the tweets likes easier.
Does deactivating twitter delete likes?
If you deactivate your Twitter account, all your account information will be hidden, so yes, nobody will be able to access your liked tweets.
But deactivating the account will hide everything, so it’s better to use other methods to delete the likes unless you’re deactivating the account for other reasons as well.
Is it possible to see old, old tweets on Twitter?
Yes, you can see old tweets of others by methods like using Twitter search, Twitter advanced search function, or by requesting a comprehensive archive of your Twitter account.
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